Thursday, 31 December 2009

Lesson 3 - straight and level

Lesson: 3


  • Lesson time: 0.7h

  • Total time: 2.1h

  • Location: EGAD

  • Aircraft: G-UFCE (C172)

It is funny how weather changes in this neck o'woods. You get whole week of beautiful weather, but deep inside - you know, that it is going to break down just on the day you were suppose to fly. But it is also works sometimes the other way. In my case, I had lesson booked for 29th, for the previous 4 days the weather was perfect, but the club was closed... On 29th I was told, there's ice on the runway , and they have no way of clearing it - so no flying. "Oh well" - I thought, and booked for 31th on 09:00,  was told not to expect anything else than ice again ...

Now, I have no car - so bus is the only option. Takes roughly an hour to get from home to the UFC (home->bus station->newtownards city centre->ufc). There is someone in the club at around 8:30, which means I had no chance to enquire weather and indeed runway condition before leaving. Blind date.The whole christmas thing meant that I was pretty much sitting at home, with no good reason to go for walk or something - so a bit of walking and traveling was welcomed regardless.

In the end I was late for a bus, and forced to take a taxi to Ards, and still had plenty of time. Got there around 8:45, and to my biggest amazement - the weather was just perfect!. Now, there is a bit of justice in the world after all :) The other great thing was, that club was pretty much empty. 3 instructors, couple other people, me, and just one other student (his instructor - David - was amazed that the guy was able to go on QXC flight, solo, in December. Doesn't happen every year).

As it turned out I would fly Today with Roger, so far every lesson I had was with different instructor, which has its good and bad sides. Recently I've spent a little bit of time reflecting my feelings and concerns about it, and few other things I mentioned in my previous entries here, on the Flyer (a magazine) forums. Now, as it is pretty much a public forum, and as chances would have it - (at least) one of the instructors at UFC read my posts, and offered his response. I felt pretty strange, cos I never wanted to bash anyone directly with my comments. It was pretty much the " curious George " bunch of questions. Now, that instructor (David) was present Today in the club too. But back to that later on.

My previous two lessons were part of 'starter pack', which means that you get 2-3 lessons, first book, membership, etc. But that also meant that I didn't have my student record at the club. So the very first thing we did Today is mend that, which obviously meant that I had to spell my name, and explain where I was born etc. Always love to do that .. not ;P I mean, you never know what people are really thinking. There wasn't much to fill out anyway (2 entries from my log book, and my name - pretty much).

Next, I was surprised to be invited into a little class room (big name for small room, where single student and his instructor can fit, and maybe 3rd person). And Roger told me about what I was to do, answered all my questions (which I seem to ask always too many), and I was familiarised with straight and level flight procedure, abbreviated APT, for Attitude, Power, Trim. Basically, to fly straight and level after any manoeuvre, etc - you need to set the attitude: level wings, make sure you are not climbing or descending, aircraft is in balance, and the picture outside window is steady, vsi on 0, etc. Adjust power accordingly, if necessary. And than set the elevator trim, to relief any control column pressure. I was told that I will get to try that couple of times, and that Roger will demonstrate how (badly) it feels to be out of balance, even if you are level and fly straight.

I had a chance to try this before, but never was explained the whole APT procedure so thoroughly.

That brief lasted probably around 20 minutes. Now, going back to presence of other instructor whom I 'spoke with' on forums, I couldn't help to at least include the possibility that the very long and thorough brief was maybe slightly influenced by him. Dunno. I doubt it, but it was a thought that nonetheless went through my mind ;)

I am however sure, that my instructor for the lesson - Roger - is a guy that likes to make sure that the student understands the matter, and probably that's the whole reason - so please forgive me my silly suspicions.

Roger also underlined the importance of this lesson, just probably to assure me that it isn't because they love to keep me waiting before doing something else. I can honestly understand that flying straight and level and indeed setting and maintaining aircraft in straight and level flight is quite an important task.

I was initially told, that we probably will get to fly in the Piper PA28, but as it turned out C172 was free, and it was the aircraft I was hoping to fly Today. I wouldn't mind trying the PA28, as I never flew in it before - but Roger told me, that sticking to the training on one type of the aircraft is probably the best idea. So far I've been flying in C152, but Anthony (from my first lesson) had student in it, and I choose C172, because of the room, probably much better working intercom, and general comfort. Plus, as keen as I am to try out flying in the PA28, it is also more expensive than C152/172- for some reason.

So with all briefing done, it was time to head down to the apron.

We did a quick external check, I peeked in the fuel tanks - it was all topped up nicely, the aircrafts at UFC are fuelled up in the evening, to ensure no overnight water condensation. Hopped in, which is something I still need to practice in these high wingers, but I'll master that one day :P Went through all checks, and off we went towards runway.

Now, previously we would depart from RWY 22, which is matter of going straight out of apron, and we usually would be airborne just right after the numbers (22). Today we were suppose to depart from RWY 04, which means that you need to go all the way up to intersection with RWY 26 all the way to the west, turn south on taxi way. Here's the aerodrome chart for those interested: Aerodrome Chart – ICAO .

I couldn't help to notice, that there were few chaps in Van 7 aircraft (aircraft home built, from a kit), and both motor-gliders were set for flight as well. It indeed looked like it is going to be busy Today.

Roger did the engine checks before entering the RWY, and amazed me for the second time Today, asking me if I would like a go at taking off. Now, it may seem simple, and I did it many times in X-Plane and few other flight simulators on my computer, but for some reason I started to feel that this one is for real, and if I screw up we would end up on a fence in the C172 mash. But as always - very keen on the new task. I reckon, I could have done this on my 2nd lesson, but maybe Ian felt that I wasn't quite up to the task yet. Anyways, Roger told me that he will look after the rudder pedals thus keeping us straight on the rwy and my task was to pull the yoke on the 'rotate' command, and make sure that once we are off we are in the best (and positive!) climb. Sounded easy, but wasn't as easy. As much as you need to move controls around during normal flight, take off is no different. Especially if you encounter any gusts. And you know, that you are quite close to the ground. Now, I have no idea how these people cope with it on quite a bad day (like the one on my 1st lesson), must it take quite a bit of practice. Anyways, I did the task quite well, for the first timer (I think). It required constant lookout, and at glance at both VSI, and ASI to make sure that we are climbing up, and at 70 kts - that is the best climb speed for the C172.

Once airborne, Roger made sure that we left the circuit - as it was about to get rather busy - and off we headed over to the Strangford Lough. We left EGAD vicinity and quite quick in comparison with the C152, at around 110 kts. I don't remember how fast we were doing same thing in C152, but probably around 15-25 kts slower, which doesn't seem like much, but feels quit slower. He than changed freq to Belfast, requested basic service, etc. I noticed that airliners were passing quite low Today, or the air was so smooth and clear that I could just see it better. Dunno.

We climbed to around 2000 ft, and proceeded with the exercise.  I first got a chance to just play around again, and see how it feels. Roger very briefly reminded me the whole straight and level business, demonstrated it as well. He than let me try few times, each time messing up the attitude and trim settings. I didn't get to try the power adjustments as it wasn't necessary.

I must say, I get the whole elevator trimming procedure quite well now. Probably because I never had a tendency to grip on control column (as oppose to what you see in movies, rather dramatised). It gives me better chance to feel how much pressure I am applying. Than, I need to make conscious observation as to weather I am pushing or pulling the yoke. And while constantly feeling how much pressure I apply, gently adjust trim until no more pressure is required. One other thing to remember, is to ease off the yoke as you trim to keep it in balance. I was actually quite proud of understanding that, and later on Roger will tell me that I am probably his first student to get it so quickly. Not that I do everything so great :P

I think I did it two times, when I noticed on the left side, above us, the bonker (C152 with Anthony and his student onboard), was making rather entertaining (at least to watch) stalling and spin recovery exercises. Now, Roger couldn't probably spot them, as they were on the left side, and higher, so probably outside of his field of view. And you don't really want to fly underneath aircraft that enters stalls and spins - which is partially uncontrollable manoeuvre ,  that is before you recover from it. Also you tend to loose rather random amount of height whilst doing so. So I prompted the danger, Roger took the control over, and moved us somewhere safe. I got a chance to practice few more times, I think in total I did 4-5 tries. Roger than went on, and demonstrated flight and level, but out of balance flight by crossing controls (opposite yoke to rudder), which felt a bit wrong. Now I can fully understand the meaning of 'flying out of balance' statement.

It was time to head back, and I discovered that I pretty much lost sense of direction. Maybe because I was focusing on flying straight, and took clouds as reference points and so didn't look on the ground so much. Roger told me where should I turn, so I got a chance to do my first turn for Today. I noticed that you need to apply quite bit of rudder in C172. Or it was because previously in C152 instructor would do it for me, dunno. Maybe it is because C172 is slightly longer. No idea. On our way back, I got a task to climb up again to 2000 ft as we needed that to join the circuit overhead, and of course got another chance to get us straight and level.  I was explained the whole procedure of joining. The right hand circuit was in force Today, as we would approach for RWY 04. The air cadet's motor-glider was in the circuit as well and it is slower we need to make sure we would keep good lookout. Another one landed in front of us, and cleared runway while we were on our approach. It was all nicely co-ordindated over radio. I start to understand much more what and why they are talking, and some of the responses from ground.

Roger than explained to me how to approach, pretty much the same information as I got from Ian last time, but explained slightly different, which answered few questions that I had. That's one of the very good things about having different instructors - every person would explain things slightly different, and perhaps add different details to the information. The landing was rather smooth, but I noticed that the stall warning buzzer sounded for much longer than in C152. No idea if it is the type specific thing, or just the landing was different, or whether Roger does it differently. I noticed that he kept the front wheel up for much longer, which would tell me that he was trying to make the landing as gentle as it could be. And it was very good one.

Once the speed was down, I got offered a chance to try to taxi as back. Offer, which obviously I couldn't refuse :P .  I had a chance to get a go on my 1st lesson, but I couldn't feel the breaks - because I was sitting too close, as I noticed later on. This time around, I felt that my input makes quite a difference. Roger told me to keep feet on the rudder and over breaks and push both to turn. I had a tendency to just push the upper part with my feet in the air.

There was a nice helicopter on EI reg sitting on apron Today, really beautiful machine, and in the only , the proper black colour - which made it look even better. Roger turned the aircraft just next to it, and I felt we are too close - but we were alright. Turned it around very tightly, towards the wind. He than did all the power off checks, etc. After the engine shutdown, I got a quick debrief, where I explained how I think I handle the elevator trim, and shared my observation on how I feel it on the yoke. Roger said, that after a while, you get to the point where you just adjust the trim wheel by right amount, and it is in balance after one turn. Well, I look forward to those times :)

Headed back to the club, where I got offered some help with my log book. But I could do it myself already :)

Whilst in the 'radio room', I introduced myself to David (mentioned before) from the Flyer forums. He either didn't noticed my previously, or just didn't wanted to make me feel watched and didn't introduce himself. We chatted briefly and shared our view on things we talked about on the forum. Especially regarding my questions on the training and my observations. It is very good that somebody really cares about my feedback and questions I have. I shouldn't really feel any resistance to share any of my observations as that is quite bad for both the club's business and my training progress. Somehow aviation world and people involved feel like the right type of people for me and the kind I really enjoy being part of, or - for now, aiming to be part of.

Filled out my log book, said good byes to instructors, paid for the lesson, and C172 checklist, and headed back home. One these days, I would sacrifice few hundred quid for some cheep runabout car, and will save myself 20 minutes walk to the bus stop. Of course, so far the only reason I haven't done this, is that every 100 quid gives me 45 minutes of flying. And I rather spend any excess in cash on that.

Overall, very enjoyable lesson. But as always, felt too short :) I was warned, that when I get to fly circuits, 45 minutes will be very exhausting. Well, looking forward to that. But that's still probably quite few lessons ahead.

Btw, if you guys feel like I am waffling too much, and you would rather enjoy reading shorter posts, please let me know. I have this tendency to write essays it seems, and I am deeply sorry if it puts you off reading it.

  • Route: Departed rwy 04, then south from EGAD along west coast of Strangford Lough and back up east coast. Landed rwy 04.

  • Weather: sunshine; very few scattered high clouds, calm wind, quite warm for the time of the year.

  • Milestones: elevator trimming, and straight and level flight now under much better control. Got a go at take off. First time in C172.
  • Saturday, 19 December 2009

    Lesson 2 aka Pigs in Spaceeee !

    Lesson: 2


    • Lesson time: 0.7h

    • Total time: 1.4h

    • Location: EGAD

    • Aircraft: G-BNKR (C152)

    • Instructor: I. McFall

    About a week ago, in mainland Europe temperatures started to drop. Well, here comes the proper winter. Wasn't long before South of England got a bit of snow, and there was snow forecast for Today in NI too. So I was pretty sure yesterday, what will the weather be and I was already expecting that the lesson will be canceled. Needless to say The forecast was wrong. Forecasts for the northern ireland are usually wrong. The general tendency that I see, is that usually whatever they say is going to happen anyway, but a for bit later.

    I got some nasty infection last week. Had to stay at home for about 5 days, and just got back to work on Wednesday. But I was in shape for  Today, nothing can stop me ! :)

    Last time, I was a bit disappointed by (lack of/the) space available in the Cessna 152, so I changed my booking to 172. As it turned out, two of four 172s are away due to either maintenance or are being fixed after some minor incidents (I got two conflicting pieces information on that one). So, back to Bonker again (G-BNKR) for the lesson. Oh well...

    Instructor asked me, what I wanted to do Today. I pretty much wanted to recap last lesson, and leave a bit of time to do something new. Learning from my previous experience, I paid extra attention to where my legs are with relation to rudder pedals. And I can see clearly that I've been sitting far too close to the 'dashboard' last time. Also, the instructor I flew with Today is quite a tall guy, so he would push his chair all the way aft. Great, more space for my arms :D

    Going back to the lesson. The club was rolling on 5th gear Today. Probably by combination of aircraft shortage, nice weather, weekend, and proximity of christmas (and gift vouchers due).

    We did the external checks pretty quickly I gotta say - I was under impression that things are being rushed. Everything was done throughly - it was just a bit sped up. Well, two planes short is quite a bit. Plus, this is the last weekend before Christmas, so there is plenty of gift voucherers (I am pretty sure, this is an actual word, serious ;P ) ;) .

    During the checks, I noticed that even tho the Bonker wasn't flown Today, L magneto didn't caused any problems this time. Must have been fixed. Good :) This time around also, my mic was working. So I could actually talk to instructor. But everything in this world my stay in balance, something else must give way, obviously - and for change I could barely hear my instructor. I bet he thought that bloody Pole just doesn't understand the word he says, I got pretty upset about it - cos the whole point is to listen to what the guy says, and attempt to do it. I told him about it, as soon as we got back. His answer was, that there are indeed some strange issues with sound on that particular aircraft. I guess it is the age thing. In aviation, everything that has direct impact on flight safety is always top-notch even on a 50 year old aircraft (not sure how old the bonker is, maybe not that much - but oldish). But there are some bits, that are not essential, thus they tend to be overlooked, and aren't maintained to as high standards.

    The air was very very smooth in comparison with previous lesson. The instructor  demonstrated secondary effects of controls, etc. All the stuff that i read about for past 2 years, and I've seen already during previous lesson. After that recap, which seemed like forever, I got a chance to see if I could do it (again) all myself. Which I did (obviously ;p), and it actually felt pretty good and boosted my confidence.

    Now, obviously that alone wouldn't constitute a lesson so I hoped we will try something new. And this time flaps were added to the equation. For the reminder of the lesson, I had a chance to try out trimming, power changes and flaps. And at the same time, keep the plane level, and trimmed in between exercises. That proved to be much easier than last time, I gotta say. But still, my workload was very very high. I got reminded pretty much all the times about keeping the plane level. This time around, I also tried to rely solely on visual reference. I read so many articles recently, about how the instrument flying in VFR can increase potential for accident. I also can see my tendency to not pitch up or down too much. I don't know where that comes from, but I suppose it is better to push the limits slowly, rather than the other way around.

    After bit of playing, I was told to keep as at 800 feet, and head towards the EGAD and on top of that try speeding up, and slowing down, flaps, trimming and stay level. I am sure it is doable, but for me it was quite a workout.

    On the approach, the instructor walked me through the landing, and how to control speed and pitch (which is done different to what you would do to achieve same effect during normal flight). Basically elevators control speed (which normally is used for pitching), and power controls pitch (which normally controls speed, and sometimes pitching). And use rudder to keep aircraft pointing in right direction, because in slow flight rudder can be actually used for small correction of heading.  The landing wasn't as smooth as previous one, but I guess this time it was the unexpected gust during flare.

    This time around I didn't get a chance to taxi the plane, like I said - everything seemed to be rushed a bit, because of the shortages. Oh well, hopefully I'll get a chance next time. I was kind of hoping I'll get a chance, since I failed to do it last time - due to quite bad sitting position. Which oh irony, is something I pay extra detailed attention when driving a car. It obviously is done for different reasons than (visibility, mirror setting, steering with both hands, etc).

    As far as I read also, others usually get a chance to do bit of radio work on their 2-3 lessons. I didn't get a chance yet, and I hope I will get soon. Every club does things different, and since you get a fair rotation of instructors in that one - things might take slightly longer.

    On that note, this lesson really felt like a practice. To be honest, when I left club and walked to Ards city centre to catch a bus - I tried to recap of what I did Today, etc. This definitely wasn't as exciting lesson as the first one. To be honest, probably due to my high hope I actually felt initially like I just wasted my 45 minutes. It is only as I write this stuff down now, that I can see how my previous experience set the hopes for this one slightly too high, in terms of excitement. Probably what added to that, was my oversensitivity to few things that happen in the Club before lesson.

    Overall, this was rather calm lesson. Not only due to the smooth air, but also because my initial overexcitement is over. I can clearly see what is where now, and what is happening on the aircraft. Yes, I get used to things quickly.

    I just wish the lesson would last 1h instead of 45min (apart from the fact, that it I logs in as 0.7, that leaves me off 0.05h short for every time I fly 45min) . Maybe I'll get a chance to fly 1h next time, altho Ian, the instructor told me that it probably be too much, and that 45 min is sort of an optimal time for a lesson. At least initially. Personally I could do just turns and level flying exercises for 2h, and still not get tired of it :)

    At the club house I asked instructor to show me, where about did we fly Today. Map in some other room, and I said I have my own chart here. Took out the NI sectional chart. At that point I think the guy just was sure, that I am nuts/daft/muppet. In fact I thought the whole room thought so. Nonetheless, he showed me where we were, and it just perfectly matched my assessment .

    In case you wonder about the title. It is a bit of a self sarcasm really. I am a bit on the podgy side, and I always loved that line from Muppets. Plus, it sort of became the code for 'I am flying Today/Tomorrow' in conversations with one of my friends.

    Next lesson booked for 29th of December. It remains to be seen, if the weather will be on my side this time. I sincerely hope so. I will probably at that stage be bored after Christmas break, and just look forward to that lesson.

    • Route: Departed rwy 22, then south from EGAD along west coast of Strangford Lough and back up east coast. Landed rwy 22. (again)

    • Weather: sunshine; scattered high clouds, freezing cold, but calm wind.

    • Milestones: recapped exercise #4 part 1. Did  #4 part 2, and introduction to exercise #6 .

    main entrace to UFC

    Sunday, 6 December 2009

    Lesson 1 , and a bit of introduction.

    Lesson: 1


    • Lesson time: 0.7h

    • Total time: 0.7h

    • Location: EGAD

    • Aircraft: G-BNKR (C152)

    • Instructor: A.Smyth

    After 3 unsuccessful attempts to get me chance to fly an aircraft on my own. Finally. This is the lesson that I booked originally two weeks ago. I tried also to fly last weekend, and during the week - but all the plans were ruined by really bad weather.

    To make the matter funnier - every day that I have not booked for during the week was perfectly fine. But that didn't stop me from trying :) I was told Today, that despite the weather in that part of the world, there are plenty of days to fly in a year, apart from December, which apparently is the worse of them all. That remains to be seen, I still have another booking for December, and I would love to be able to fly that day.

    Anyways. Why I ended up doing it? Well, I was born in Cracow, Poland - a long time ago (31 years, to be slightly more precise). But the winds blew me around the world (Austria, UK, Canada). So since I am living here (and quite happily gotta add) for some time now, it is time to start my training here.

    The flying story here, is the usual one. I always wanted to fly... etc. Nothing unusual I suppose.

    So going back to the lesson it self. I turned up an hour before the lesson. The very first time I traveled from Belfast to Newtownards on Sunday. Buses aren't going that often, so I was a bit worried, that I won't get there on time, etc. But it was fine, the traffic was really light. Than the usual stroll from Ards city centre to the UFC. Had a tea, and read few articles in one of the many papers available for visitors at the club, while waiting for my instructor.

    I wasn't brieft by my instructor this time, since I had the lesson explained to me on the Friday. It is just, that the weather turned out to be not on my side back than. Plus, this instructor was already kind of familiar with my case (a nut case from Poland, that read too much theory, and tries to put it into practice now), as we spoke previously couple of times. Also the first one, to actually recognise my miserable attempts at faking the english accent.

    I got warned about very violent gusts , and asked if I don't mind a bit of  sea sickness. Etc. Well, needless to say, I was set to fly for the day, so nothing could stand in my way!

    So off we went. We did a bit of walk about (external checks). I got a chance to do visual fuel level checks, for the first time (done with help of a little wooden stick). Than walk around, everything turned out to be okay.

    Now, I gotta say, I was always under impression that C152 and C172 are kind of the same size inside. Big enough for 2 or 4 people, etc. Nothing further from the truth my friends. Even the RyanAir chairs are much more spacious. Words such as: cosy, cramp, and jammed come to my mind, when I try to describe it. I am not the smallest bloke myself, and on top of that - there's not enough space in the cockpit to keep my right hand on anything else than the throttle leaver, and the general area. Otherwise I could keep it on the instructor's lap - which he would not appreciate  - I suppose.

    After managing to  jam my arse inside, we run through the pre-engine start checklist, than the after engine start checklist, etc. Turned out, that the L magneto gives a bit of rough run. I thought to myself - all right, this is the end, you got that far, but this is going to be another obstacle, and you won't fly Today. Well, nothing like it, as it turned out. The instructor was familiar with the issue, apparently this is something that happens often on planes like this one (old C152s). A little bit of warming up, involving changes in power and mixture - and 2 minutes later we were lined up on rwy 22. I was told, this has to do with spark plugs.

    Now, I mentioned the weather. Please also bear in mind, that this was my very first flight in such a small plane, and in the left seat - on the top of it.

    So, off we went - it was great, up until we were to about 150ft up in the air, and I started to feel the power of the wind. You get used to it, when you live here. But when you fly, it just moves one level up on the scale. Despite the constant power, plane went all over the place. At times, it felt like we are not only not climbing, but either stay on the same level, or are slammed violently towards the ground.

    I was told that we need to climb to at least 1000ft (which I thought will look much higher, than it really was from my seat). Instructor made few more radio calls, and changed freq to Belfast Control- since we were further away from EGAD.

    Around the peninsula (South towards Comber), I was given the control and explained how should I carry out each exercise. Now , remember, the weather was just not on my side. So there I was, trying the effects of each of the controls first - that was okay in it self, but in my opinion - there was just enough time to try each one 1-2 times, and that's it. Than we moved to banking, using both airlierons, and rudder. So I tried that couple times. On one occasion, I  failed to notice traffic on our left side. The sun was just blinding me - so note to self, next time - purchase some sunglasses (C172 has sunvisors, C152 doesn't but sunglasses are a very good idea nonetheless).

    So, now imagine me - trying to control the aircraft, whilst being blown around all 3 axis. Not the best first time experience. But my instructor was happy with my performance - since, he allowed me to try some more fun - trimming. Now that proved to be really hard under the conditions. I think of all the 3 attempts, I did it okay only once. My mistake, as it turned out later - was that I also tried to keep the heading at the same time (visually). Since already over 30 minutes have elapsed, we had to head back to the airport. (into the sun again).

    I remember, asking my instructor - how was he able to even line up with rwy in the conditions. He just said "after a while, you just get used to it". Nice, I thought to myself. I know the wether wasn't on my side, but keeping the aircraft level was really hard in all that wind.

    Landing on RWY 22 - very gentle.  I was given a chance to taxi the Bunker (G-BNKR) to the apron, but I really couldn't feel the breaks on rudder pedals. They were just not where I expected them to be. I wonder if that's the error on my side, or I just need to get the feeling of it. Or perhaps, I got my chair too close to the panel. Well, no idea. All I know, is that the next time I'll fly in C172, because I know it is slightly wider, and about 2x more powerful than this C152.

    After a very short debrief, I added my very first entry into the log book, checked my booking for the next lesson, and changed the plane on the booking to C172.

    One thing I forgot to mention. As soon as we were airborne, I felt like on a rollercoster, but with no support. Which is what you are suppose to feel in an aircraft after all. But, it was a sort of this weird feeling. On one side, enormous pleasure. On the other side, quite scared, especially in banking (turns), even tho we only did 30 degree turns. You look outside the window, and it feels like if you are suspended over the land, and so close from falling down. Quite a peculiar feeling, I gotta say.

    • Route: Departed rwy 22, then south from EGAD along west coast of Strangford Lough and back up east coast. Landed rwy 22.

    • Weather: Hazy sunshine; broken cloud at low levels near south end of lough. Strong winds.

    • Milestones: First time in a "light" aircraft, first time at the controls of an airplane.