Sunday, 13 June 2010

Lesson 15, approach, flare, more circuits

Lesson: 15


  • Lesson time: 0.7h

  • Total time: 12.2h

  • Location: EGAD

  • Aircraft: G-BNKR (C152)

  • Instructor: David Phillips

The weather wasn't very stable Today. Phoned in, and was told to show up anyway. Metars were showing possible storm, but you never know.

So I got in, a bit early. Interrupted David in his lunch (sorry David). But he insisted on sitting down, and going through what we are going to do Today. So I did. This was quite a bit of preflight. With some math, etc. I like that :) . Anthony joined in as well, whilst he had his quick lunch.

Without getting too deep into details, David walked me through approach configuration, when to flare, and landing bit. And that was to be my focus for the day.

I than did preflights, and jumped into the aircraft. I got worried about weather, it started to be more gusty. You could see some rain clouds to north, and clear skies to the south.

David joined me in few minutes, and said that we should be okay, and if not, we will just go back and wait. So I went on with the usual business. I got a chance to pretty much do the whole taxing this time, with virtually no interventions from instructor (or maybe just got lucky, or better after a bit of practice Yesterday). As it turns out, for the RWY 04 you can't just backtrack it. It is rather long, and someone might fancy a landing while you are crawling back. So about half way through we went to the right, and tracked back just before start of the RWY.

On my initial climb out, I this time around was consciously trying to keep my heading alright. And it kind of worked. As usual wind was blowing me all over the place, but I tried to keep me on the same heading. David took over for a second, and let me see through rear of the aircraft. It looked not too bad. (to be honest, anything is better than what I did Yesterday anyway :P ).

The circuit was right hand. First time I ever flown one. Not much of a difference, except that there's some bloke obstructing your view when you try to pick reference point (for turn), and do look out ;) But he also tends to spot things for you, so it works out well ;)

Whilst first part of the circuit was clear, the second bit of downwind, and base were covered in rain. So it was hard to choose any reference points, and David said to make the circuit low. Don't remember heights (you can look it up on the gps track), but it was lower than usual 1000 ft.

As usual, my checks were rubbish, and I didn't managed to do any radio calls whilst in the air. Oddly enough, whilst flying with Roger, second circuit and later were spot on, and I did all the checks. Probably just the learners experience effect. As I progress, I see more and more things.

Since my focus was on landings and approach, David walked me through that, and pointed at whatever I was doing wrong.

In essence (so that I won't bore you with too many details) I did my approaches too low, and have a 'ground shy' tendency. That means, that I am afraid to lower nose, even tho I am flying too slow. That in turn causes (obviously), the glide path to be wrong. And if I start to pull the stick, to get away from ground (instinct tells you that you are going to crash if you put nose down, but in reality, you'll gain some speed, and your glide path will be more gentle) - things will only go wrong. I just have to practice that bit of landing more and more. On top of that, decision as to when to flare, and what to do in landing. But I guess, I got that better after this lesson.

So here's my first circuit:

Second one was just pretty much a repeat of the first one. With me trying to get my checks in better order:

For some reason, my GPS (iphone 3GS, and app's called MotionX GPS - very good app) lost signal few times, hence the straight line on downwind, and rather funny looking base.

After the two circuits, David said - 'look , your circuits are fine, it is the approach and landing you need to practice, so I'll make this one a quickie and leave you just to do the approach'. Idea was great. I get to do more, in less time. Always good :)

So basically he flew rather accelerated circuit, very tightly, and left me to do the final bits. Here's how it looked:

This was very quick one indeed. Upon doing that one, I discovered that it is probably the people, houses and stuff that makes me even more susceptible to the 'ground shy' effect. Basically, I can see all the movement on the ground, and I should be concentrating on the RWY and aim for the numbers.

Next one was full size, and I don't remember whether David was showing me the approach on this one, or I did another one myself. It looked like this:

For the very next one, David decided to go and fly RWY 34 (with the chance to fly over Scrabo , the bit that I like about it most :) ). There's no distractions on finals. You just fly over water. There is always someone on the sea wall, just passing underneath the aircraft as you try to land - but that doesn't make me worried too much. And I think this one was much better. Altho, I still feel like I am flaring too high.

Last one was to be a quick one, so again David did expedite us and set me up for approach:

He said this one was spot on, except for the approach, which was too low. I still seem to have to work on it. Well, that's the whole purpose of training, isn't :)

Once landed, he just said 'now take me home'. Wasn't sure if he was proposing another trip , or just wanted to go back to the clubhouse ;)

Overall, new instructor, new experiences, new perspective. This way it will probably take me longer to get the license, but I will also get more out of it (hopefully).

I know David will probably read it, so if I left anything interesting out, or got something wrong, let me know.

Finally, here's the full track (check out options->tour feature ;).

And btw, let me know,if you think I am putting in too many tracking images.

All screenshots above are from Google Earth.

  • Route: RWY 04 and 34

  • Milestones: hopefully got better understanding of approach, and flare, flew in rain

  • Exercises covered: 12&13

  • Weather: quite a windy day, some showers

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