Saturday, 30 October 2010

Air-law passed !

Decided on Monday this week, that I shall pass air law this week. I did 2 shifts on Monday pretty much, one overnight, so I didn't study too much on Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday I catched some bloody infection of the throat, and remained at home till end of the week. Whenever I'm ill, and at home, I would sleep very irregularly, so I had time to read and do airquiz tests. My pass mark was around 80-90 in and the iphone app from the great circle in england (very good app, but I would change couple things there, but as the iphone developer, I am a bit spoiled ;) ).

Woke up on Friday mid day, feeling much better, read a book some more, did more tests, with scores ranging from 60-95%.

Saturday, again, woke up midday, did three airquiz tests, and two on the iphone. All passes, altho marks were below 90 (not much off tho). Decided to phone the club, and since I haven't spoke much for the past two days, there was some babbling on the phone initially. But I was told I can just stop by, and take it Today. Jumped in the car, took route much different from the usual, so my car looks like I drove on farm roads (which I did), especially after Yesterday floods in the area.

I got the pen, papers, and was sat in the room where I usually get my briefs before lesson.

What can I say, some answers were not as clear to me as I would hope. Even tho I knew subjects. For instance, question about filing flight plan from an aerodrome where there's no designated facility for it (no atc, etc). Pretty much all answers were right (as even acknowledged by the instructor), but only one was the best one according to the CAA.

A lot of subjects on the Chicago Convention and the ICAO stuff. Far more than I expected.

Didn't have any questions on quadrantal rules, or QNH/QFE altitude/height calculations, rather disappointingly. But that doesn't mean they are not there on other tests.

All in all, my feeling after I've done it, was that I probably have failed it. But to my surprise, I got 82.5% mark. Not so bad, CFI said, that there is quite few cases of people failing it first time apparently, so - he said - not to feel too bad about it, if I fail the first one.

Passed it. Yay.

I feel like another , rather important chapter of this training is finally in front of me.

To all novice folks reading this, make yourself a favour, and pass it in earlier. If your school does ground classes, kiss the ground on which they walk. It would really be useful if I had one. (altho ulster uni does one now apparently, so not all is lost)

If weather permits, I'm flying tomorrow. And yes, I have that rather naive hope. And yes, my instructor laugh when I said it already :)

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